BOOSTIE stands as one of the best nutrient-dense foods on the market. Its organic, sprouted seeds and nuts provide loads of vitamins, minerals, good fats, plant proteins, fiber, and carbohydrates. This snack boosts energy levels alongside nourishing you without increasing calorie intake to dangerous levels.
Read to discover if BOOSTIE is an authentic nutrient-dense food and learn how to incorporate it into your regular diet.
What Does Nutrient-Dense Mean?
Nutrient-dense food has high amounts of beneficial nutrients and low amounts of sugars, saturated fats, and sodium. They include fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, whole grains, lean meat, legumes, and dairy.
BOOSTIE falls into the class of nutrient-dense foods because it contains wholesome, organically-grown nuts and seeds. It is free of sugar, gluten, and other less-nutritious, high-calorie ingredients.
How to Identify Nutrient-Dense Foods
Nutrient-rich foods include:
Wild-caught fish.
Grass-fed lean meats.
Organic and sprouted nuts & seeds.
Fruits & vegetables.
Whole grains.
They do not have added sugars, refined carbs, trans fats, and other additives.
Nutrient-dense food should provide beneficial nutrients like vitamins, electrolytes, and minerals like calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, zinc, vitamins, potassium, selenium, manganese, copper, and more.
The ingredients and nutrient facts information is readily available on packed food labels. Watch out for misleading ingredients like fructose, corn syrup, fruit flavor, and saccharin. Manufacturers use the terms in place of added sugar.
How Can I Eat More Nutrient-Dense Foods?
Once you've identified what nutrient-dense foods look like, consider making simple changes to your daily routine. As always, a balanced approach is necessary. A helpful tool provided by the American Heart Association is their Heart-Check mark. When seen, you can be sure that it aligns with the recommended healthy eating habit. If unavailable, compare the Nutrition Facts labels.
Make simple swaps in recipes that will boost the nutrition density in your family's meals and snacks.
Choose Wholesome Snacks
Instead of highly-processed snacks with high caloric intake, eat wholesome snacks like BOOSTIE. Healthy snacks contain essential nutrients like plant protein, vitamins, minerals, good fat, electrolytes, complex carbs, and fiber.
Eat a Variety of Vegetables
Vegetables like sweet potatoes, carrots, spinach, broccoli, beets, asparagus, cauliflower, and pumpkin contain vital nutrients. Because each vegetable has varied nutrients, taking a variety ensures you get the helpful nutrients unavailable in your favorite veggie.
Incorporate Fruits Daily
Like vegetables, fruits are an excellent source of healthful fiber and micronutrients like vitamins. To get maximum nutritional benefits, take fruits each day. If it is hard to come by fresh ones, go for frozen or dried fruits.
Choose Whole Grains
Whole sprouted grains have a higher nutritional content than refined ones — they have adequate amounts of fiber, magnesium, zinc, vitamins, and proteins. Because of that, take organic bread, crackers, cereals, or pasta made from whole sprouted grains.
Vary Your Protein Sources
Besides the familiar sources of proteins like meat and poultry, consider adding other additional protein sources like fish, chickpeas, and lentils into your healthy eating pattern. The alternative protein sources contain low amounts of saturated fats.
How to Add Nutrient-Dense Snacks to Your Busy Day
To avoid impulse decisions at your favorite store, identify healthy snack brands to buy whenever you need something to boost your energy before the main meal. That way, you won't have to choose unhealthy ones when shopping.
Like any food, take adequate portions of snacks at the right time. Consuming too many meals increases caloric intake, leading to unhealthy weight gain.
How to Add Them to Your Healthy Eating Plan
While you can take a snack any other time, snacking in between meal times is an excellent way to add them to your healthy eating plan. That way, the snack boosts energy when blood glucose levels go down, helping you control your appetite so you don't overeat.
Subscribe for BOOSTIE and Get 10% Off
Taking a nutrient-dense food is the right way to improve your nutrient intake without taking in more calories. Nonetheless, eating nutrient-rich food doesn't mean spending more time shopping for and preparing fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins.
You can get the benefits through a nutrient-rich snack like BOOSTIE. Made from organic sprouted nuts and seeds, BOOSTIE provides adequate proteins, vitamins, minerals, and electrolytes. You can take it straight as a snack or add it to yogurt, cereal, or granola.
Shop or subscribe for automatic monthly supplies of BOOSTIE delivered right to your door!